Evaluation catalogs
In these evaluation catalogs, you can enter assessment criteria for probability of occurrence (O), the detectability (D), and severity of effect (S). In addition, you can specify which type of assessment is to be used in the risk assessment.
You can choose from:
- the risk priority number RPN = O x S x D
- the risk class RC = O x S
- as well as the matrix position
Example Matrix position:

The catalogs which have been released in the system can be used and displayed in the risk analyses. The calculation of the acceptable residual risk (e.g. risk priority number RPN) takes place automatically and can be displayed in color.

Risk assessment support
The assessment of risks is always a time-consuming undertaking. Long - and sometimes heated - discussions about the "right" assessment often arise in the risk analysis teams. In most cases, risks are also assessed differently in the various teams, which can lead to compliance problems.
Advantages in REXS: Previous risk assessments can be retrieved and displayed via the stored knowledge database.
- This leads to significantly less discussion effort when assessing risks.
- Similar risks are assessed uniformly and thus meaningful results can be presented during audits and inspections.